
Germany is leading the motorhome increase in new registrations in Europe 2014

Recreational vehicles are still gaining popularity 
Registration figures for caravans and motorcaravans published after the Düsseldorf Caravan Salon 2014, the most successful caravan fair of all time, confirmed a predominantly positive trend. In Germany, caravan registrations were well above those of the previous year and these rising figures are proof that people are still keen on traditional caravanning holidays.

Even better, there was an 8.9% increase in motorcaravan registrations. Figures for the year should reach 26,000 which puts Germany way ahead with the best results for motorcaravan registrations in Europe.

In this connection, it is interesting to note that the whole of North America i.e. USA and Canada with a joint population of 350 million, only manages to take up around 40,000 motorcaravans a year at present.

By comparison one sees that enthusiasm for motorcaravanning has surged ahead and is growing all the time in Germany. This is not just because motorcaravans are renowned for their high technical performance and competitive prices, but also because of the quality of the infrastructure at campsites and motorcaravan stopovers, many of which are located near to major tourist attractions.

Another important factor is the electric bike that has been around for a few years. It is a definite advantage on a caravanning holiday as it offers an environmentally friendly way of exploring further afield and this prospect can even appear attractive to the less sporty caravan fans.
It’s always a “plus” spending time in the company of caravanning friends especially if you are somewhere where the sun is shining!
Source: FICC Secretariat; Original source: CIVD

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