
Security Warning for Motorcaravanners Travelling to Morocco

Know that if you choose to travel to Morocco must take certain steps to ensure your security

First of all, we would like to mention that there is no intention to alarm our readers; however, we must report that, according to information from the French diplomatic Service website, the announcement concerning the risk of kidnapping or hostile acts against citizens from member countries of the international coalition against jihadist terrorism. Motorcaravanners or any other tourists intending to travel to Morocco should follow all security measures. Before going abroad visit the official Foreign Travel service website:
On the above page you will find the required information and possible risks.
Even, if appropriate, you should consider postponing the visit until the situation comes back to normal.

The following statement is a translation from the Moroccan authorities  on the French Government Diplomatic service website:
"The Moroccan authorities announced on July 10th 2014 that Morocco is under serious terrorist threat by the growing presence of Moroccans in the jihadist ranks in Syria and Iraq. Authorities have taken measures across the country to deal with this threat.
Regarding to instructions concerning surveillance, recently updated, had already reported on the terrorist threat reinforced by the return to Morocco of some Moroccan jihadists. This threat must be considered always serious throughout the Moroccan territory. Therefore, it is recommended to follow all security instructions".
See the website of the French diplomatic service:

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