
Comparative of camping prices in Europe

If you travel abroad it is advisable to have an idea of campsite charges, in case you would need to use them. Please, note that overnight stay in some European countries is only allowed in motorhome sites, campsites or authorized places for this purpose.

Germany has the lowest rates for campsites

This is a comprehensive study done by ADAC  (the oldest motoring club in Germany. This year is celebrating its 100th Anniversary).

As you can see, on the list below, the most expensive country on campsite rates in Europe is Switzerland; on the other hand, Germany is the most economical, followed by Sweden. 
For unknown reasons, the UK is not on this survey. See the following list.

Switzerland 47,97
Italy 45,39
Denmark 40,40
Netherlands 40,48
Spain 39,89
Croatia 39,60
France 36,55
Austria 34,31
Sweden 30,75
Germany 28,54

Of course, from the economic point of view, it is advisable for motorhomers to use aires, motorhome sites or stopovers for these vehicles. Some campsites may offer special rates for motorhomes.

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