
Golden Ring Rally, Suzdal, Russia, 2017

Rally patronized by FICC (Fédération Internationale de Camping, Caravaning et Autocaravaning).

The organizing club, Caravaners League, is a member of the FICC since 2010.

Club members who are FICC cardholders (CCI - Camping Card International) are allowed to participate in this event.

24 to 30 July 2017
Rally patronized by the FICC

The Golden Ring is a ring of cities northeast of Moscow, the capital of Russia. Suzdal is one of the oldest Russian towns -where the Rally will take place. In the 12th century it became the capital of the principality.

The Russian State Tourism Agency, Caravaners League and the Suzdal campsite invite you to
take part in the “International Festival of motorhome Travelers and Caravaners“,  Golden Ring Rally, Suzdal, 2017.
The event will take place from 24 to 30 July 2017.
For more information and bookings clic on the following website: http://rally.gtksuzdal.ru/
Email: info@rally.gtksuzdal.ru and Caravaners League Russia, Mr. Andry Artyukhov, President, email: info@caravanliga.ru

Booking form
Hotel accommodation

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