
The President of the FICC was awarded with the honorary membership by the Italian Federation

Photo: Italian Federation -Confedercampeggio
At the proposal of Confedercampeggio (Italian Federation), during a meeting in Parma, (at the “Salone del Camper”, the most important motorhome and camping equipment  exhibition in Italy)  the Italian Federation's Council has awarded Mr. João Alves Pereira, President of the FICC, with the Italian Federation honorary membership.

Mr Pereira has been for many years a close collaborator of Confedercampeggio in all matters concerning Open Air Tourism. Certainly, since 2006 many events and symposiums were celebrated by FICC Commissions in Italy with the sole purpose of encouraging and improving motorhome facilities.

We have to take into account that when it comes to motorhome services in Europe, such as stopovers, correct signposting and good practice, etc., it now makes a big difference from those days, it is already much easier to travel around Europe, thanks to the contribution of the FICC that had taken place in those days. 

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