Making a list is always a convenient way to check maintenance and personal needs, this will avoid possible drawbacks while you are on holidays in your motorhome. The main object is to make your motorhome a comfortable and healthy place to stay.
- Clean all surfaces. Clean windows with diluted vinegar. Wash all curtains and bedding. Vacuum-clean mattresses and bed frames.
- Go over all cushions and seat covers with the vacuum cleaner. Clean under all moveable furniture.
- Dust and polish wood panelling with wax or oil (if necessary or as indicated).
- Clean out drawers and cupboards. Wash cutlery, crockery and cooking utensils.
- Sort out and remove foodstuff and drinks that are past their best-before date and replace with fresh supplies.
- Clean out the refrigerator. Use baking powder to eliminate smells.
- Replace soap, hairspray and body lotions.
- Check your maps and don’t forget your GPS, chargers for cell phones, iPads, PCs, Kindle, etc.
- Check your first aid kit, antiseptic solution/powder and painkillers.
- Check that all doors and windows close properly.
- Don’t forget your toolbox.
- Change the filter in the air-conditioning unit.
- In case of an accident or emergency, leave details of your route and destination with someone you trust.
- Make sure the passport of any accompanying pet animals complies with local health regulations.
- If you are suffering from a chronic illness it is a good idea to have your clinical records with you and check out the location of hospitals and emergency centres in advance.
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