The FICM, Fédération Internationale des clubs de Motorhomes, has suffered a serious setback by the dropped out of the CPA, Portuguese Motor Caravanning Club (in Portuguese language, Clube Portugués de Autocaravanas), the largest club in the Iberian Peninsula.
News sent by the CPA, Portuguese Motorcaravanning Club. Translated by
In the General Assembly, last March 6, 2011, the CPA overwhelmingly approved to terminate their association in the FICM for reasons contained in the Club’s proposal during the Meeting. You can view the document at the end of this article, (in English –translated by the CPA) You can also download the CPA document in French or Portuguese, review
The FICM headquarters based in Kontich (Belgium), about 40 km from Brussels hasn’t had an easy road since its foundation, yet the major problem is that the leading members who run the Federation are in different places around Europe. Above all, there is much theorizing, usually on things that, very often, are unknown by their member clubs; however, few projects, if any, are being implemented and, indeed materializing ideas becomes the main part of any achievement.
From this website we often criticize traditional clubs and federations for not paying enough attention to the demands of motorcaravanning: certainly, we consider, this is a compelling reason to fully agree with the Portuguese CPA demands.
Of course, this site manages European first hand information, which is sufficient data to carry out constructive criticism, and in this lies an undisputable reason: to demand and protest against actions that are harming motorcaravanners, in this case our fellow Portuguese members.
We must remember that entities, as the FICM, are nonprofit associations; unfortunately, with all respects, it seems a matter of personal or sterile players who need to assume a pompous role.
On the contrary, associations are created to improve the situation of those who practice this hobby with the generous cooperation of all.
So this is an overwhelming reason to sympathize with the Portuguese CPA. For we believe the story is being repeated again: like other European clubs in the past they had suffered such a situation of helplessness.
The main objective of a Federation must reside in the representation of all its members on the European continent; however, so far, as it has been demonstrated, the goal has not been achieved.
The main objective of a Federation must reside in the representation of all its members on the European continent; however, so far, as it has been demonstrated, the goal has not been achieved.
Ironically, the motor caravanning improvements we have today were achieved by the effort of small clubs, platforms and even traditional clubs with motorhome sections in the European continent.
Surely the FICM, Fédération Internationale des Clubs de Motorhomes, could one day justify its existence if it fulfills its mission to foster greater involvement, respect and consideration for clubs and associations alike.
At the moment, it is clear that this is not yet being implemented.
Please, read the following document: CPA DROPS OUT OF FICM (Translation from Portuguese by the CPA Club)
Please, read the following document: CPA DROPS OUT OF FICM (Translation from Portuguese by the CPA Club)
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