Actually, there are very few countries in Europe where campsites have affordable rates for motor caravanners. At the moment, France is the only country where campsites have, in combination with FFCC, Fédération Française de Camping et de Caravaning, a special price scheme for motor caravanners.
- A good number of campsites in Europe are not even prepared with service points for motor caravanning; very often, trees are not pruned and as one comes in the top of you motor caravan can be seriously damaged with tree branches.
- If one considers that motor caravans are fully equipped, motor caravanners will use just basic campsite services: potable water, grey water and toilet chemical disposal.
- Sometimes, in high season, if you go to a campsite to countries like Italy or Spain you could be paying prices as high as if you were staying in a hotel.
Source: ECF - ADAC
If you need indications on how to install an aire / stopover for motor caravans we will be glad to to furnish you with information, free of charge. Contact:
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